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Willi Willi National Park

Willi Willi National Park

Willi Willi National Park is west of Kempsey and is in both Kempsey and Hastings Shires. The main visitor area at Wilson River has a picnic area, barbecues, amenities block and three walking tracks. The roads are unsealed and there are also four-wheel drive areas.

From Kempsey take the Kookaburra Scenic Drive, along Willi Willi Road to its end, turn left into Carrai Road to see a waterfall and lookouts. At the Daisy Plains Huts turn left into Cochrane Road then left into Warrick Road and follow the signs to Mary’s View Lookout. Part of this drive is only suitable for four-wheel drive vehicles.

Kempsey, Willi Willi, 2440
1300 072 757