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Macleay Valley Coast – Bellbrook Scenic Drive

Macleay Valley Coast – Bellbrook Scenic Drive

Bellbrook – Slim Dusty Way

The mountainous hinterland region is the true surprise and delight of the Macleay Valley Coast. Within minutes of leaving the beach, you can find yourself in the heart of the Australian bush with crystal clear creeks, rocky outcrops, towering eucalypts and the warmth of good old-fashioned country hospitality.

Bellbrook is a must for all country music fans and the old mountain village is only about an hour’s scenic drive upriver from Kempsey. It is home to one of Australia’s all-time country music greats, Slim Dusty. Pay a visit to his homestead, near Bellbrook, where you’ll see for yourself the source of his inspiration.

To find Slim Dusty’s childhood home at Nulla Nulla, drive north across the Kempsey Traffic Bridge and veer left at the first set of traffic lights onto Belgrave Street. Drive across the railway crossing, straight ahead at two roundabouts and veer to the right into River Street.

Follow the signs to Bellbrook as River Street transitions into Armidale Road. Just before you reach Bellbrook Township, turn right into Nulla Nulla Creek Road. Slim’s childhood home is about two kilometres past the bitumen, on the left. Although the home is closed to the public, an interactive display at the front traces his rise to stardom.

Return to the Armidale Road, turn right towards Bellbrook and wander back in time at this Heritage-listed village.

Continue west about 20 kilometres along the Armidale Road to the Blackbird Flat picnic area for a barbecue or a swim in the Macleay River. Stop on the banks of the Macleay River which is the second fastest flowing river in the southern hemisphere when in flood. This picnic area is suitable for car-based camping but no towing or large vehicles past Bellbrook. Blackbird Flat has pit toilets and is pet-friendly.

Return to Kempsey back along Armidale Road.


Belgrave Street
Kempsey, 2440
