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25 ºC
North Macleay Arm Walk

North Macleay Arm Walk

Distance: 6km
Difficulty: Easy – Walk at low tide only

A beautiful walk along roads and the river amongst the paperbarks, casuarinas, banksias and eucalypts.

Park near the Stuarts Point Holiday Park entrance, Walk back along the road towards the shops. Turn right at the Community Hall, walk along Marine Parade to the end. Stay right and take the path with steps down to the water’s edge. The path along the edge is narrow and sometimes a bit overgrown. Reeds and creepers can form snares; lift your feet to avoid those traps.

After walking for about 2.5 kilometres, the track is interrupted at a creek crossing near the Seventh Day Adventist Convention Centre. The path leading up the bank is a little bit back from the broken bridge towards Stuarts Point.

Walk up the bank and you come to a wide track. Turn left and walk back to Stuarts Point.

Credit: Macleay Walking Trails by Christa Schwoebel and John Cruickshanks


Marine Parade
Stuarts Point, 2441
