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Nature Trails of the Macleay is a diverse collection of  walking, biking and 4WD trails that span across the Macleay. Offering a natural experience for everyone, the network of trails are not just connected by their respective locations but also by their rich Indigenous roots.

Learn more about the history of Kempsey, then journey out to experience it yourself by exploring the nearby trails and points of interest described below.

Dhulawang Girin

Long ago Dhanggati Country had no colour. One day a great snake came to the country and dug up the earth to make a resting place. Water gushed from the ground and the snake shouted, Oh no, I have hurt Mother Earth and made her cry.

Don’t cry my beautiful child, I bring you a gift of many colours to share across the country, Mother Earth replied.

The snake watched as the colour of its body started to change and it become the Rainbow Serpent.

Mother Earth said, Hurry now, go and share the gift I have given you.

As the snake moved wonderful colours spread across the country and he created the mountains and valleys.

Tired from its long journey the Rainbow Serpent returned to a pool of water to rest. But he was worried… Mother earth, I have destroyed the country.

However Mother Earth exclaimed… It is beautiful, see how the spring waters fill your tracks creating rivers, creeks and waterfalls… all the way down to the sea.

Mother Earth decided it was time for the Serpent to rest. Would you like a place where you can continue to share your beautiful colours across Dhanggati Country?

Yes, the Serpent replied.

The Rainbow Serpent now lives at the source of the Macleay River at Apsley Falls. Following the path of the Great Rainbow Serpent came the Ancestral Beings who, with the living people, created places of great significance that are the foundation of Dhanggati culture.

We acknowledge the source of this story, Dhanggati Barrunbatayi Wirilyn: Dhanggati Dreaming Stories Volume 1. We also acknowledge that the spelling of Dhanggati/Dunghutti may vary.

There are many versions to Dreaming stories passed from generation to generation, however all versions have the same moral. Rainbow serpent graphic provided by Jason Ridgeway.
