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Kempsey Central

Kempsey Central

Kempsey Central is the place to go for food, fun, convenience and more. Easy parking with no time limits, a great location and plenty to do nearby makes Kempsey Central the place to meet. What else would you expect from the centre of Kempsey?

At Kempsey Central, they’ve put their heart into creating a destination that has everything you love together in one place.

2-14 Belgrave Street Kempsey, Kempsey, 2440
02 5525 1000


Abstracted Outline of the Macleay River Mural

Big Daddy Skater Sculpture

Christina Huynh (STYNA) Macleay River Mural

Community Healing Mural

Coolamon Aboriginal Arts Gallery

Corroboree Magic Mosaic

Ellerslie Flowers

Ellie Hannon Macleay River Mural