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Savages Lane Murals

Savages Lane Murals

If you love street art, don’t miss the jaw-dropping murals displayed in the heart of Kempsey on Savages Lane.

Part of Kempsey Shire Council’s innovative laneways project, From the Mountains to the Sea, the murals have been created by over ten exceptional artists to celebrate the natural beauty and shared history of the Macleay Valley Coast.

Take time to stroll down the lane and marvel at the vibrant colours and soulful depictions of the people, places and wildlife that form part of our wonderful region.

Savages Lane Kempsey, Kempsey, 2440
02 6566 3200


Abstracted Outline of the Macleay River Mural

Big Daddy Skater Sculpture

Christina Huynh (STYNA) Macleay River Mural

Community Healing Mural

Coolamon Aboriginal Arts Gallery

Corroboree Magic Mosaic

Ellerslie Flowers

Ellie Hannon Macleay River Mural